1. I was very good at math in school.
2. The first time I ever flew in an airplane, I was 34 years old...and it was only a week before 9/11.
3. I knew Matt Odmark personally before he was famous. (He's in Jars of Clay)
4. I accepted Christ as my savior when I was 14.
5. I had to sit in the naughty chair once when I was in kindergarten (I was teasing Sammy).
6. I had a stuffed dog when I was growing up. His name was Theodore. I took him to college with me. I still have him.
7. I enjoy a good cup of tea.
8. I clean a few houses to make some extra money.
9. I like sitting up front in a class or at church because I'm easily distracted.
10. I can sew.
11. I made a queen sized quilt once and it is on our bed.
12. I had pet gerbils, two cats and a dachshund as a kid.
13. I always thought it would be cool to live on a farm.
14. One of my favorite kinds of cookies is molasses.
15. I wish I had studied art in college.
16. My anniversary is next week. We have been married 14 years.
17. I wasn't interested in dating my husband when I first met him.
18. I've only lived in the state of NY.
19. I spent a lot of time iceskating as a kid.
20. I almost never iceskate now because it causes a certain toe to come out of joint and it is very painful!
21. I'm not a big sledding fan.
22. I think it would be cool to travel. I've done hardly any traveling.
23. I've never golfed.
24. I married a golfer.
25. I hardly ever watch television.
26. I've never seen some of the popular shows people talk about.
27. I'm not very technologically saavy.
28. I get up at 6:00 most mornings.
29. I think it would be really neat to adopt a little girl from China.
30. I think I suffer from the "fear of failure"
31. I had a broken heart once and it nearly killed me-literally.
32. I won't go to a high school class reunion.
33. I've never liked going barefoot.
34. I hate wearing sandals that have things going between my toes...which makes it challenging to find a pair.
35. I like the clothing styles from Llbean, Lands'End, and Eddie Bower.
36. My house isn't really decorated to my liking.
37. I love houses with history.
38. I miss having a real close girlfriend to visit.
39. I'm my dog's favorite person.
40. I like camping.
41. I like canoeing. Haven't done this or #40 in a long time.
42. I love sitting by a lake with my Bible in the early morning and listening to loons. (reminiscing my trip to Quebec)
43. I need 8 hours of sleep a night...which means I better hurry up and finish this so I can get to bed!
44. I get my words twisted up a lot when I talk which is a source of amusement for my family.
45. I'm quiet in real life.
46. I'm usually reading 2-3 books at once.
47. Sometimes I read children's chapter books.
48. I volunteer in our church's nursury.
49. I almost died of smoke inhalation when I was 18.
50. I'm 5'6" tall.
51. I never was big on amusement parks.