This cabin looks so cozy. I can just imagine sitting in there by the fire...maybe working on some needlwork or enjoying a cup of coffee with a friend. I long for the simpler life. I long for tranquility and peace. A world without agendas, television, or clutter. I long for deep companionship and a sense of belonging.
Yes, usally the smaller the home the cozer it is, yet big houses have advanantages too.
Especially if you have a whole bunch of kids!
Yes, Priscilla, I think we all long for more tranquility, a "little House On the Prairie" kind of tranquility. But, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. That wasn't always a peaceful or tranquil existence either.
I agree with Allen! I love that picture, it gives me the warm fuzzies!
I'm not asking to live in that time period. However, I am envious of the simplicity of that life. They had fewer things and therefore neater homes.
I wish I could have a dumpster and fill it with all the junk we've collected. The only thing is: what I consider junk, other people insist we need.
I completely agree. Give me a dumpster! We have three barns full of stuff and I get tired just thinking about getting rid of it. (James is planning a yard sale.)
Anut martha you probabally wouldn't have a lot of luck running a yard sale because your in the country.
Sounds good, Jon...'cept I don't want anyone calling me "Dad"
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