Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Birthday Lunch

Thursday, December 17, 2009
Crazy Days!
It has been crazy here with barely time to catch a breath. I don't like that. I prefer a little down time...but it's not happening. Yesterday started out with going to my Bible study, then a quick trip to our insurance office, then home to work on a "secret project" (can't write it here in case one of my kids reads it), then to the DMV office, home with more "secret project" working, quick hiding of evidence before a school bus came, running off to a swim meet, home at 7 PM to cook a quick meal, and shortly thereafter to bed. Today I took kids to school, went to my job cleaning a house, ran few errands, stopped at the library, home for a quick shower, and was cooking dinner when my husband called to tell me the high school swim coach had called him and Allen was ill. They were actually calling an ambulance just in case. I totally freaked out! Jamie went up to the school and called to say Allen was okay and coming home. Apparently he had not had enough to eat. His blood sugar level was way low and they were giving him juices and stuff to get him going. He came home just as I was running out the door to Alicia's orchestra concert. Jamie stayed home with Allen to make sure he as okay.
Now I'm home...and planning on making Allen a BIG lunch to take to school tomorrow. I wish I had pictures of the concert...but I am still working with a camera that has a broken flash.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Enjoying the Season!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Our Town is White!
Windy and bitter cold lately.
I took these pics on the way home from dropping off Alicia at school this morning. The white stuff arrived yesterday and today...and a little bit on Wednesday too.
Too early to these pedestrians probably are either on their way to work, or to the bank.
A street in my neighborhood.
Finally, my humble abode where a hot cup of coffee and my slippers await.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Not going to get away with it....
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Thank you, Lord.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Is it Thanksgiving yet?
It was a beautiful day...and I did not go out and enjoy it. I cleaned a dentist office and then did some errands on the way home. I needed to buy carrots for the turkey soup I'm making with the leftovers from the turkey I roasted on Friday. Am I confused about the date? No...I realize that Thursday is Thanksgiving and that I will be eating turkey. I will be going to Martha's house. There will be many people there and I will not get any leftovers. Almost everything will be eaten up on Thursday and whatever is left...Martha will get. That is only fair since she roasted and hosted. I like leftover I took it upon myself to roast a turkey of my own on Friday. I did not wait until next week to do it...because Jamie is going to France.
So I made soup, mopped my kitchen floor, dozed off while reading, watched Arthur with my daughter, ran to the store to buy bread since I was too lazy to bake my own...and I am now sitting and waiting for my son and hubby to come home so we can eat! The smell is driving me crazy because I am hungry!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Just another Saturday
More chronicling of my exciting life.
It's just another Saturday in our amazing household. Audra practiced tickling the ivories. They giggled quite nicely.
Allen went to swim practice at the high school and then came home and proceeded to make plans with friends. I was a very mean mother and made him do some homework before he took off.
Alicia and I baked peanut butter fingers. Tonight...I will be home alone. Alicia is staying over night at a friend's house. Jamie is working on our car over at Roy's house. Audra went to Abby's. Allen is hanging with Sam and Jacob. Maybe Sherman and I will take in a movie, what else?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Obstacles and Bends in the Road of Life
Even though I am anxious about getting back to my studies, I am also strangely nervous about it.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
On to the next thing
On Saturday there was a team building exercise with 6 different minivans full of teenage boys driving around town on a scavenger hunt. Jamie was one of the volunteer drivers. The game culminated at a team member's house in town with an obstacle course in the back yard.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Sectionals for X-Country
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
These pictures were taken by Allen at the NY State Fair last summer.
Monday, November 02, 2009
My Runner
I have found new inspiration for blogging in my area at Bristolwood. It is a blog that I discovered quite by accident while googling images of the annual Halloween toiletpapering of Cheshire. I sounds strange but check out Gudl's blog too. She's the one that got me started googling for more images! I love all the photos they take of the area we live in. Yeah! More neighbors to get to know!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Favorite Kind of Day
Friday, October 16, 2009
Mum Cheer
Monday, October 12, 2009
Teapot Project

Saturday, October 10, 2009
My Father-original post 1/16/06
Today is the memorial service for my father. In memory of him, I am reposting a post that I put up on January 16,2006.

This is a picture of my father. I just thought I'd show it to you because it is such a nice picture of him. I'll tell you a bit about him. How about 13 things?
1. He was born in 1932.
2. Is a polio survivor.
3. Can play the guitar and banjo.
4. Is an avid bird watcher.
5. Volunteers in nursing homes.
6. He loves Jesus.
7. Married to Arlene (my mom)
8. He loves reading to his grandchildren.
9. Enjoys studying the word of God.
10. Has 13 grandchildren.
11. Plays the harmonica.
12. He used to be a chicken farmer.
13. He loves me!

This is a picture of my father. I just thought I'd show it to you because it is such a nice picture of him. I'll tell you a bit about him. How about 13 things?
1. He was born in 1932.
2. Is a polio survivor.
3. Can play the guitar and banjo.
4. Is an avid bird watcher.
5. Volunteers in nursing homes.
6. He loves Jesus.
7. Married to Arlene (my mom)
8. He loves reading to his grandchildren.
9. Enjoys studying the word of God.
10. Has 13 grandchildren.
11. Plays the harmonica.
12. He used to be a chicken farmer.
13. He loves me!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Little Pieces

Sunday, October 04, 2009
The home hearth
Monday, September 28, 2009

I had stayed over night on Saturday night and spent all day Sunday with him and Mom. Yesterday he seemed so tired. He told me that there was an entire parade of people waiting for him in heaven. He started naming them...but at the same time he was drifting in and out of sleep. I know he is having the most amazing reunion with so many friends and family who have gone before him.
He will be missed so much by us.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
The story of two runners
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Oh but...just look at HER desk!
Every year at the beginning of the school year (and several times during it) I make valiant attempts to become organized. There are just so many papers to deal with. Papers for the school health office, homework policies, Awana, student handbooks, lists of teachers and their contact information, insurance papers, bills, loan papers, receipts, school supply lists, sports schedules, invitational schedules, fund raising papers, lists of important dates to remember, baby shower invitations, letters from religious organizations, volunteer papers, church papers...I can't even list it all.
How can someone who is aspiring to be a librarian be so unorganized? Well...luckily I have gotten a glimpse of a few different librarians' desks that are a complete jumble of papers and books...and these are good librarians too I should add. (I've also seen some spotless desks...but we are not going to mention them) Somehow I find this comforting.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Through the tunnel
Tomorrow is Community Bible Study...that will help I'm sure.
Today I will go to the library to continue with my "volunteer work." This is rather amusing right now because no one knows I'm volunteering...including those at the library. I knew the children's department was a mess and needed to be straightened and shelf-read desperately. I went there on Friday to volunteer to do it...and no one was in the children's department save for a couple of mothers and little kids looking for picture books. So I just started in with the juvenile fiction books. I mean...who could object to someone straightening and making sure the books are in order? It took me about 2 hours to do a little less than half of the books in that section.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Here we go 'round the mulberry bush
At the Shaker village in Canterbury, NH there was mulberry tree. It was pointed out to us by one of the workers. She encouraged us to pick some and eat them.
I will say that they were absolutely delicious, although a little messy. I had never seen a mulberry tree before and wonder if they don't grow in NY state. I think they definitely should! I would like one in my yard. I ate several of them before moving on to the rest of the museum.
I also wonder why in the nursery rhyme, it is called a mulberry bush. It was definitely a tree.
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