Monday, August 28, 2006


I have a house full of girls today. Allen is outnumbered. A woman from my church called me last week and asked if I could watch her daughter today...and then last night another friend called me and asked the same favor. Sure, why not? The more, the merrier! And so I have 4 girls here and they are playing girl things. Girl girl girl! They spent hours playing dollhouse. It was fun listening to the conversations between the dolls and the drama. They asked if they could please use a large plastic mixing bowl and fill it with water to pretend it's a pool. And then they wanted a small one for a hot-tub. They commenced to have a pool party. Audra is so funny because she was pretending one of the dolls had just moved here from England and she was talking the doll in an "English" accent. I put quotes around that of course...because it didn't quite sound English to me...but it was cute! (I'm not sure how she came up with this idea, Nixter...but I knew you'd get a kick out of that) It was quite the pool party...complete with "mom" calling the kids out of the pool because the hotdogs were ready.

This all brings back wonderful memories of my own childhood, playing with my sisters and some of the girls my mom babysat...and a few neighbor friends. We played with the Fisher-Price Little People...which are no longer manufactured. (atleast not like the ones we played with). Some of the most fun was building the houses. We had a huge box of blocks and we could build the most wonderful houses. Here at my house, we have 2 dollhouses, but the girls always build additions onto them because the houses are really not big enough to suit them.

So today is a "messy house day." I've been stepping over dolls throughout the house. For a while they were playing "school bus run"...and so there were small piles of dolls...usually 2-3 each gathered at various bus stops throughout the downstairs.

So what is Allen doing during all of this? Why being a boy of course. He amused himself for a little bit by annoying them. Boys don't know how to play dollhouse. They are always exploding things!!!! (Or putting cows in the living rooms or in the beds...various things to get a reaction) I finally suggested to him that he watch one of his nature videos. This ought to occupy him for the time being anyway!


Bethany said...

I used to love playing fisher price and blocks! Jim, Dave and I would make elaborate homes out of blocks and then would set up house. Usually our games would be continued on for days. Or we might have the same charcters for the whole summer. One time Jim had a fisher price boy named Jeremy (after a character he read about in a book) and he ended up being around in every game for weeks! I have great memories of playing blocks and fisher price with my brothers. They usually didn't mind when I played with them, even though I was a girl.

Anonymous said...

Can I come next time?

Tracy said...

We had a big bag of blocks too. They were nice wooden blocks. I don't remember what we would build with them, but I remember a very nice comfortable and fun feeling when then were all dumped out onto the floor. And a nice wooden smell from them.

Martha said...

When I had kids I made sure to get them a good supply of blocks and was fortunate enough to collect up some old Fisher Price little people before they stopped making them altogether. Not only did they build houses and play people but we had great fun making roads and driving Matchbox cars too!

Rachel said...

We loved Fisher Price! Remember the houses we used to build Priscilla and Martha?

Priscilla said...

Hannah, I would love to have you come over some time to join the fun.

Actually my girls and Allen play quite well together most of the time. I think he was feeling a little more self-conscious yesterday.

Anonymous said...

But it's fun playing dollhouse the way I do and I don't see why the girls don't like the way I play though. I guess they have no sense of humor. Sometimes I don't do anything and the girls get mad and then mom kicks me out of the game. And even sometimes one of the girls does that and the other sibling doesn't do anything.
Like once Alicia made the nighbor fly in and the opening of the wall and I decided to resolve this by making the girl and the boy go up to the father and say "Why is there a little girl flying through our wall?" Then I made the dad say "Well you see we're really in a dollhouse and the girl is jumping through the opening that the humans use to make us move." Then the girl said "You mean we're manufactured?" Then the boy said "look I have writing on my shoe!" Then the girl asked "What company makes us?" and the father replied "A human company called Fisher Price." Then the boy exclaimed "Look I made in china!!!" and then the girls kicked me out. Yet, what I don't understand is why didn't Audra kick Alicia out when Alicia made the neighbor fly through the walls? I guess I just don't understand my siblings!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Al.