Sunday, August 06, 2006

Al and Arlene

Here's a picture of a cute couple I know. My parents. They just recently celebrated their 52nd wedding anniversary. I'm pretty proud of them. Oh...they weren't perfect. Who is? But they did a pretty good job raising me right and I hope I do as many things right raising my kids as they did. They loved the Lord and took us to church every week. I don't really remember a week going by without them taking us to church on a Sunday morning (unless you count church being cancelled on the account of a blizzard). They also loved each other and did a fine job demonstrating what a marriage ought to be. In sickness and in health. They are getting older. Mom's on oxygen 24 hours a day because her diaphram doesn't function well. She landed in the hospital a couple of times in the last few us all a scare. Dad was found right next to her, visiting, holding her hand, adjusting her pillow...making sure she was getting the care she needed.

I'm very blessed to be married to a terrific guy as well. He's already been there for me in bad times. A few years ago I suffered from terrible clinical depression. Although I was very difficult to love during that time, he didn't give up on me. Many times after a day at work, he would come home and take care of me and the kids. He stuck it out with me and I am forever grateful for that.


Rachel said...

They were great parents, teaching us the most important things in life and living what they taught. I am forever grateful to God for giving me them as parents. We have been very blessed.

I also have a terrific guy!

Tracy said...

What a wonderful testimony about your parents and your husband. God is so good!

Martha said...

Mom and Dad must have done a lot of praying in order that we would live our lives for the Lord. Prayer makes all the difference in the world!

(Sorry for deleting that last comment. It was just too wordy.)

Ruth said...

Priscilla - what a lovely post - about your parents and about your husband. Isn't God kind in surrounding you with such lovely people.