Saturday, June 10, 2006

My Wednesday Morning Bible Study

Here is a picture of my core group for Community Bible Study. It was taken at our Sharing Day Brunch...the last meeting of the year. That's me in the back. Third from the left with my arm around Alona's shoulder.

How I love this group of women! Every Wednesday morning from September through mid-May we got together to study the word of God. This year we went through a study called "Return to Jeruselem." We went throught the books of Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Esther, Nehemiah and Malachi. If you think it sounds like a are right, it was. It was also so amazing! It was challenging, but learned a lot! Community Bible Study is an International Organization that encourages people to read and study God's word. If there is a Community Bible Study near you, I encourage you to get involved!

We have broken off study for the summer and will resume in September. I believe we will be studying Galatians and Hebrews next. For the summer I am going through a Max Lucado study called Next Door Savior. So far it is going pretty good...but I miss my fellowship of women.

What are you studying in God's word? Any suggestions for me?


Rachel said...

I really enjoyed my CBS study this year too. We studied the Penateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy). All of the people in my group were so wonderful, I wish I could have the same group next year. I'm sure I'll develop some special relationships next year too though.

Shelly said...

I tend to do word studies rather than book studies. Currently I'm doing purity - based on the scripture, "Blessed are the pure in heart for they will see God." I find word studies so incredibly fascinating and am always amazed at how powerful our words really are and how shallow my understanding of them is!!! It's also easy to put down and pick up again at a later date if you so choose. And you can go as deep into it as you would like or just do a 'mini study'.

Rachel said...

Recently I've been just doing the Daily Bread devotion, but I was thinking I need to do something else as well.