Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Snow Forts
Friday, December 19, 2008
It IS Beginning to Look a lot Like Christmas!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Official Christmas Season may now Begin

Only one more week to go. If you are done shopping, please refrain from saying so in the comments! LOL!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Little Librarian and Little Mother

Isn't this picture a hoot?
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Excitement in the Air
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Almost time to relax
Actually, my house is a wreck since it has been neglected for so long. The first thing I plan to do after returning home from Long Island (we are leaving to go there Wednesday morning for Thanksgiving), is to clean my house from top to bottom! And of course there will be the whole Christmas holiday to keep me busy. I don't feel mentally ready for that. It does not seem real to me that it is going to be here soon. The other thing I am planning on doing is more reading. Yup! More reading. There were many children's books that I heard about that I wanted to read while taking children's Literature. So many books....but not enough time. I have a list going!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
I was tagged by Rachel.
So here are the instructions:
* Go to your sixth picture folder in your picture file on your computer, then pick your sixth picture.
* Pray that you remember the details.
* Post it on your blog.
* Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.
This is the 6th picture in the 6th folder in my picture directory.
I did not take this photo. I think Allen did when he was staying over night at Aunt Rachel's house. I was home. I trusted him with the camera. This is a pretty entertaining picture of my sisters, nephew, and daughter. Everone but Alicia seems pretty mesmerized by the computer. Probably looking at a blog!
I tag Jenny, Jim the 3rd, Josiah, Nixter and Dunja .
So here are the instructions:
* Go to your sixth picture folder in your picture file on your computer, then pick your sixth picture.
* Pray that you remember the details.
* Post it on your blog.
* Tag 5 others, leave a comment to let them know they’ve been tagged.
I did not take this photo. I think Allen did when he was staying over night at Aunt Rachel's house. I was home. I trusted him with the camera. This is a pretty entertaining picture of my sisters, nephew, and daughter. Everone but Alicia seems pretty mesmerized by the computer. Probably looking at a blog!
I tag Jenny, Jim the 3rd, Josiah, Nixter and Dunja .
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Gettin' there

Oh how I wish my camera's flash worked. It really hampers the blogging a bit. I am almost done with this semester! Tomorrow I must visit an Elementary school library and give a thematic storytelling lesson. I have chosen the Iroquois Indians as my theme. I will be telling an Indian Legend to a group of 4th graders since they are studying the Iroquois Indians this year. After I tell it, I will talk to them about Indian Pictographs. I will tell a second story with pictographs using a flannel board.
One more research paper to do, which I haven't started yet.
Sorry to bore you with this.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Still Swinging!
Hi everyone! I know I have virtually disappeared for a while. Things got pretty busy...I got really stressed out and didn't think I was going to make it. However, I've gotten over some major hurdles and things are looking good!
Highlights of my experience: I gave some book talks at Geneva High School on Friday. It was a great experience and I learned a lot. I was pleased with how things went. At another school, I was told by a second grade boy that he thinks that I'll catch on fast and be a good librarian some day.
I've written one research paper this past week. I have another research paper coming up. I am doing it on story telling traditions among Native Americans. I have all my participation activities lined up. I'm pretty excited about all of that. I will be facilitating two book discussion groups at an elementary school, giving a thematic storytelling presentation at another elementary story and helping with some collection development at a middle school. I've already completed the high school requirement...mentioned earlier.
Best of all, I have gotten good grades so far!
Love this picture of Alicia taken this past August!
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Another Cool Library

She also does really fun activities such as a pumpkin decorating contest. They need to decorate the pumpkin like a character of a book. In the spring she has a storytelling festival. I already volunteered to help with it. It'll be in March. I'm already looking forward to it!
I will definitely be coming back to this library to do other things. She has already invited me to come back and do some hands-on projects. I need to complete 25 hours by December 1st. This will help a lot!
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Jamie and I went to the Rheinblick German Restaurant last night. Very busy and very yummy! We loved every bite. I made sure to order something with the red cabbage on the side because I love red cabbage. My mother makes it...but since it is not a favorite of my husband's, I don't get it often. I don't remember the name of what else I ate, but it was delicious. Jamie ordered the wiener schnitzel. He gave me a bite and I just may have to order that next time. It was a nice evening and we were able to walk to the restaurant because it is not far at all from our home. Good exercise too.
I wish I had a picture to present here...but it was dark and my camera flash does not work.
I wish I had a picture to present here...but it was dark and my camera flash does not work.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Field Experience
I visited another library where the selection of books was phenomenal, but I thought the librarian was very rigid in how she ran her library. She had very strict rules as to how things are run. This was in an elementary school. I saw a group of 3rd graders come in. They had assigned seats at tables. When they came in, they went to where their assigned seats were and all stood behind the chairs until they were told by the librarian that they could sit. She went over very specific procedures about how things are done in her library. Wow! She has some very specific ways of doing things! She has been a librarian here for over 30 years and I guess this works for her. I know I could not be as regimented though. A few days later, I saw a friend of mine who teaches at the same school. I told her I had been at the library. This teacher told me that some of her students are afraid to go to the library at library time if they have forgotten to bring the book they borrowed back. I was very careful with my words because I don't really want to be catty.
I went to our Middle School Library here in town and I saw Melimouse! (twice) I also saw Sam and Audra...but my own son was no where to be seen. He told me later that he peeked in the window and saw me. That particular library was awesome! I thought the facilities were great and the librarian has some great ideas! I took note of some of them so I can remember. Unfortunately, I cannot do my student teaching under her, because she is a fairly new school librarian, having just graduated from the school I am now attending just three years ago.
Yesterday I went to a high school and a middle school in an urban setting. Beautiful facilites! The two librarians that I shadowed were great and had a lot of suggestions for me. I came away from there with my head spinning with all the knowledge that they were imparting on me! I thought it was really cool to see such a multicultural group. They have a number of Spanish speaking students, so they have a selection of fiction written in Spanish. Interesting to see Harry Potter y la piedra filosofal on the shelf.
Anyway, I am learning so much. Today I haven't gotten much work done and I must make up for it somehow. I decided to go to a friend's house for lunch. I stayed there much longer then planned, getting home just on time for the school bus to arrive.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Those Carefee Days of Summer Are Gone...
I think you're getting the picture. Tomorrow I am going to the local public library to return 20 children's books and I am going to check out about 20 more I think. On Friday I went to an elementary school in Geneva to observe in a library. I loved being there. On Tuesday I will go to another elementary school here in my town. On Friday I will go to a middle school. Next week I will go to at least one high school.
Meanwhile...my house is getting messier and messier by the minute. I can't stand it, but don't have the time to devote to really clean it the way it needs to be.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
The Pig
He never worries in the least.
He lives in tranquil life unshaken,
And when he dies brings home the bacon.
(Roland Young)
I know...you are all thinking, "Priscilla, that's sick!" Just thought I'd share one of the many pictures we took of animals at the fair a few weeks ago!
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Me I Am!
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. List 6 random facts about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know they've been tagged by commenting on their blog
6. Let the tagger know the entry is posted on your blog
- I love poetry....particularly silly rhymes.
- I'm really enjoying being a graduate student...even though it is a bit stressful.
- I don't really have time for blogging right now in my life.
- I am going to bake cookies with Alicia tonight because I love her and said I would do it.
- Tomorrow I am visiting a school library in the city of Geneva.
- I am very rebellious and refuse to do numbers 4, 5, and 6.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
By the end of lunch, we were laughing like old friends and some of us even exchanged phone numbers. It was nice to put a face to the names I have seen on my online courses.
I just love these pictures of Allen and Alicia at the state fair eating BLT sandwiches. We had become separated from Audra and Jamie...so we ate without them. Alicia and I shared a sandwich since they were pretty big.
I think I need to do lunch more often with friends. I've been feeling a bit separated from them lately.
Thursday, September 04, 2008
First Day Back
Everyone seemed excited (but not to have their pictures taken necessarily). I didn't have to drag anyone out of bed this morning. I didn't have to nag everyone to "hurry" or "brush your teeth"...everyone seemed anxious to do that on their own. No worries about leaving on time or missing the bus this morning. *sigh* Some things never last long.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Allen stayed over night at Sam's house yesterday and the two of them went to "Rheinlick" to get a bite to eat. They were pretty excited to check out Gudl's restaurant. He's still at Sam's so I haven't gotten a report yet. I can't wait to go there too!
Monday, September 01, 2008
The Three Sisters-Authentically American
I hope all of my friends reading here had a wonderful Labor Day...even if you are not authentically American. Love to you all!
from the heart,
just for fun,
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Son of a Future Librarian
That is all for now. I'll end with these words-"Go read a book!!!"
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
College Chick!

I got to UB in plenty of time for my class. In fact, I had time to spare so I bought a bowl of soup and a roll at the student union. It felt so strange to be there all alone. During my last classes I rode to school with two other women. I missed Libby and Kathy! I didn't know a soul and everyone I saw looked like an undergraduate. I felt a little out of place, but the soup tasted good at least! LOL!
Finally it was time to go to my class, 17 Clemens Hall. (named after Samuel Clemens...or Mark Twain). I couldn't find my room number! I still had about 5 minutes to spare, so I wasn't panicking yet. I found 117 and thought maybe I had made a mistake...so I hung out there a while. No people. Just a dark, empty classroom. Then I saw Libby! She is taking the same class. She couldn't find the class either. I said, "Do you think it might be in the basement?" We went to the elevators and pressed "B"...and sure enough, found our class. I didn't know the place had a basement. I would have expected catecombs and maybe a boiler. Who knew?
Dr. Kimble seemed cool. She seems pretty laid back and has a good sense of humor. I don't think she will be too difficult to get along with. We went over the syllabus. There is a lot of reading and a lot of writing. I will be spinning a lot of plates. (incidently, in the syllabus Dr. Kimble mentioned that she hates the term "a lot"...and doesn't want to see it in a paper...uh oh!!!!!!!) I'm taking 2 other classes as well...so who knows how often I will be here blogging. Anyway, 20 minutes into the class a guy named William came in. He couldn't find the class. Go figure!
After class, Libby and I went to Starbucks to tank up on caffiene for the drive home. She lives in Batavia, so has a shorter drive...but then again, she is pregnant so is tired a lot. (there goes "a lot" again!) We saw Tracy who is another LIS major. He recognized us as LIS students and talked a bit with us. I was wide awake for the drive home. In fact, I was bit wired. An hour and a half later, I was home. Too wired up to go to bed...even though it was after 11. What did I do? Check the blog of course! I also read another syllabus from another class that I will be taking on line.
Thanks for all of your encouraging comments!
Monday, August 25, 2008
First Day Jitters

Photo by Kathy
Saturday, August 23, 2008
More Beautiful Baby Feet
Friday, August 22, 2008
Old Grafiti
On Monday night I start classes again...working towards that Master's Degree in Library Science. Kind of looking forward to it, but also nervous about all the work involved. I started reading two of my textbooks already. Since I am taking on-line courses, I was able to see what I needed to do and start with some basic things. For one of the classes, I can't really start anything until after my first meeting and the start of public schools. I will be doing quite a bit of field work at area schools. Sometimes I wonder what I've gotten myself into, and then all I need to do is clean another toilet or scrub another floor at someone else's house and then I remember. I'm more than ready to move up in the world!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Grad School Quickly Approaching
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
You Never Know Who Might Show Up Around Here
Ty and the rest of the Design Team were not on sight. (Just all the people who actually do most of the work.) Today they were emptying the house. I'm sure that Ty will be here on sight tomorow with his bull horn and video camera.
Jamie got a chance to talk with one of the sight managers for the show who told him that quite often the show is working on 2 houses at the same time. Ty is actually on sight down in Arkansas today for another house and will fly in to upstate NY tonight. We also learned that Extreme Makeover does free cosmetic work on surrounding houses just so they all look nice on camera...and also to make it up to them for the inconvenience of crowds of people trampling their lawns, closing down their street, construction workers all night, etc. They will even put a new roof on the neighbor's house if they think it necessary.
From what I understand, this show will focus on a family that helps kids stay off the streets. (Geneva can be a rough town) The man is a guidance counselor at the high school, but also runs a school for boxing. The show is supposed to air some time in November.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Discoveries On My Camera
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Young and Carefree
Sunday, August 10, 2008
A Project
Friday, August 08, 2008
Hard at Work
This, by the way, is a picture of Mukles (pronounced Moo-klees). He's relaxing with a beer. He deserves to relax because he has been hard at work in his garden, and serving chicken that he grilled himself to a myriad of guests. (Mukles is from the country of Jordan...in case you are wondering about the foreign name)
My washing maching has just indicated that it is done. That is my cue that I should get moving.
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
S'mores and Sparklers
Kevin had some sparklers for the kids. Audra and Allen had fun with them. Alicia thought they were too risky...and refused to take part.
Of course where there is a fire going, there is an abundance of marshmellows, chocolate and graham crackers. Yum!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Amish Tourists
Monday, August 04, 2008
Pretty Girls at Watkins Glen
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Watkins Glen
This is Rainbow Falls. At just the right time of day, when you are hiking down the trail, you can see a perfect rainbow. I saw it on the way down. I had handed the camera to my husband (who was hiking slower a ways up). I trusted that he would certainly get a photo as he passed it. He didn't. (I really have forgiven him of the oversight)
There is just no way to capture the beauty of this place on film. You just have to go there. I hope to go again this fall when the colors of the foliage are amazing. You may join me if you promise not to mind stopping at antique stores on the way down.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Shiela and Mukles' Garden
They live close to Taughannock Falls State Park and are blessed to have their own little rocky stream running through their yard.
The picture here is NOT a cement slab. This is natural bedrock that is found here in the Finger Lakes Region. There are many waterfalls in this area. Tomorrow, I will post some.
Here is one of my own beautfiul flowers walking on the foot bridge that Mukles built.
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