Saturday, July 08, 2006


Jamie and I decided to try some healthy recipes. The other night he made some low-fat chocolate chip cookes that were awesome! We decided to try again tonight. We made some banana oatmeal chocolate chip cookies. They were horrible!!!! They were the most blah cookies I have ever tasted in my life. We ended up tossing the whole thing. What a waste! I say that there is something to be said for eggs and butter!!! There is an Amish community nearby and their baked goods are to die for! You can be sure that those Amish ladies use all the best stuff! Butter and eggs...straight from the source!

I have this horrible sweet tooth. I am trying to cut back because I can no longer eat the way I did just a few years ago. Yep! I guess I'm getting older. I used to be able to eat anything and I remained skinny. Not anymore. I think I could stand to lose a few pounds. I'm getting discouraged because I am looking like a frumpy old lady. I need a new look!

That's why the profile picture I use is from 2001 when I was 34. I can fool all my cyber friends into thinking I still look like that! ( you know the truth!)


Tracy said...

what went into the low fat cookies that tasted good?

Martha said...

Eggs and butter aren't necessarily bad for you. God made them, they are natural, and He intends for us to eat them. Now sugar is another story... I think if I could just cut out all that artificial sugar, which most often comes with a ton of fat and white flour, I would be doing okay. Oh, yeah, and the soda pop has to go too. That guy on Christine's blog said so. :)

Priscilla said...

Tracy...the first recipe we tried had cocoa, choc chips, whole wheat flour...some sugar of course...can't remember what else. After we mixed it all together...the consistency was totally wrong for making cookies. Way too dry. We figured they must've forgot to write in an ingredient. I told Jamie to throw in an egg and some water to fix it. It worked and the cookies were awesome. (I'll post the recipe some other time. I bookmarked it on another computer)

The second kind of cookies were last night's disaster. They were also low-fat.

Anonymous said...

So why's the title 39? Is it because your that age? And I think the problem with the second cookies were that you used to green of bananas.

Priscilla said...

Allen...perhaps you are right...but your father and I both thought the recipe would have been bad regardless!