Today is Dan's birthday. Dan is my brother. He left this earth to live with our heavenly Father in 1983. If he were alive today, he would be celebrating his 48th birthday. I called my mother today. I always try to remember to call her on this day and also on Feb 17th, the anniversary of his death. Telephones are good. You can spread so much love and care through the telephone line.
My mother wasn't home. But I will try her again later. I am sure she is thinking of Dan. She and Dad might have gone to a nursing home to spend time ministering to residents as they often do. I think it is tremendous that they have moved forward in ministry and in living. I think that nothing could be worse than losing one of your own children. I knew it was tragic when it happened when I was 16...but now that I have children of my own, I think about it even more.
Dan would be turning 49 today (he was born in 1957). And yes, Mom and Dad go to Maplewood today.
Hey, Jon, if you're out there, Happy Birthday to you too. You must be really old by now.
I've been thinking about Dan today too. Mom will probably get a call from Dan's good friend, Billy, today. He calls her every year on Dan's birthday.
It's Jon's birthday? Happy Birthday, Jon.
You are right, Martha. I added 9 to my age...and I should have added 9 to the age I will be in few months.
Thanks a lot mom because now I'm crying! Not physhicly but emotionily. I think I'd would have liked to meet him.
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