1. I was very good at math in school.
2. The first time I ever flew in an airplane, I was 34 years old...and it was only a week before 9/11.
3. I knew Matt Odmark personally before he was famous. (He's in Jars of Clay)
4. I accepted Christ as my savior when I was 14.
5. I had to sit in the naughty chair once when I was in kindergarten (I was teasing Sammy).
6. I had a stuffed dog when I was growing up. His name was Theodore. I took him to college with me. I still have him.
7. I enjoy a good cup of tea.
8. I clean a few houses to make some extra money.
9. I like sitting up front in a class or at church because I'm easily distracted.
10. I can sew.
11. I made a queen sized quilt once and it is on our bed.
12. I had pet gerbils, two cats and a dachshund as a kid.
13. I always thought it would be cool to live on a farm.
14. One of my favorite kinds of cookies is molasses.
15. I wish I had studied art in college.
16. My anniversary is next week. We have been married 14 years.
17. I wasn't interested in dating my husband when I first met him.
18. I've only lived in the state of NY.
19. I spent a lot of time iceskating as a kid.
20. I almost never iceskate now because it causes a certain toe to come out of joint and it is very painful!
21. I'm not a big sledding fan.
22. I think it would be cool to travel. I've done hardly any traveling.
23. I've never golfed.
24. I married a golfer.
25. I hardly ever watch television.
26. I've never seen some of the popular shows people talk about.
27. I'm not very technologically saavy.
28. I get up at 6:00 most mornings.
29. I think it would be really neat to adopt a little girl from China.
30. I think I suffer from the "fear of failure"
31. I had a broken heart once and it nearly killed me-literally.
32. I won't go to a high school class reunion.
33. I've never liked going barefoot.
34. I hate wearing sandals that have things going between my toes...which makes it challenging to find a pair.
35. I like the clothing styles from Llbean, Lands'End, and Eddie Bower.
36. My house isn't really decorated to my liking.
37. I love houses with history.
38. I miss having a real close girlfriend to visit.
39. I'm my dog's favorite person.
40. I like camping.
41. I like canoeing. Haven't done this or #40 in a long time.
42. I love sitting by a lake with my Bible in the early morning and listening to loons. (reminiscing my trip to Quebec)
43. I need 8 hours of sleep a night...which means I better hurry up and finish this so I can get to bed!
44. I get my words twisted up a lot when I talk which is a source of amusement for my family.
45. I'm quiet in real life.
46. I'm usually reading 2-3 books at once.
47. Sometimes I read children's chapter books.
48. I volunteer in our church's nursury.
49. I almost died of smoke inhalation when I was 18.
50. I'm 5'6" tall.
51. I never was big on amusement parks.
How long did it take you to do this? It usally takes me at least 20 min. to fill out 15, so this would have taken me almost an hour.
Wow! What a great list and a great way to share about yourself. Maybe I should try it too!
#52) Aunt Priscilla was once the best dish stacker in the world! At least when she used to babysit us.
Dish stacker? I feel honored...although I don't recall.
Bethany, I think you mean me??? Are you saying this because some slid onto the floor and broke once?
Priscilla, I never heard that you almost died of smoke inhalation!
You knew Matt Odmark? From where?
I dunno really... Dave was sure that Aunt Priscilla told us the she was the best dish stacker in the world... but that she changed her mind about that later. This was an awful long time ago, so maybe someone was/is mistaken! But I believe it was Aunt Priscilla who made the claim first.
Aunt Rachel, I don't remember that! But I do remember you teaching us how to give indian burns and make our hair stand on end. Ah, sweet memories of when Aunts would babysit...
I'm so impressed that you listed 51 things. I'm not sure that I would be able to match it either, but maybe I should try.
(I'm not a sledding fan either. It seems too uncontrolled.)
Happy Anniversary!
Forget the uncontrolled, it's cold!
I did 51 things. You are such an inspiration!
Rachel, where have you been all my life?
Matt Odmark was in Young Life when I was a leader. He also went to Rochester Christian School. I "kinda" knew Charlie Lowell from the band too. His father is a dentist out in Chili and he let us use part of his building for the Rochester YL office. I thought everyone knew this already.
Rachel, Rachel, Rachel....remember when we had an accident with our wood burning stove in the middle of the night once? Someone had left the flew closed I guess and all the smoke poured into the house instead of the chimney. Most of the smoke went up into my room while I was sleeping. You were the one Mom sent to wake me up. You kept calling me and shaking me and you seemed so far away. It took a long time to wake up. Also...my ears had been buzzing. To this day, I'm sure I was dying. Thanks for "saving my life" and then forgetting all about it! Ha Ha!
Tracy, It was challenging...but I did it! Give it a go! It's kind of fun! And I want to read you list.
Bethany, that does sound like something I might have said as a young person babysitting my little niece and nephews. I was 19 when you were born...so I may have been in my early 20's.
I don't remember you almost dying. Maybe I just didn't see the situation as all that serious, it's funny how we can perceive things so differently.
I never knew Matt Odmark was in Young Life when you were a leader!
Jon, my favorite kind of tea is Lemon Lift. I believe it is made by Bigalow.
Rachel, Talk to Yvonne (Rich's wife) about Matt Odmark sometime. She went to RCS with him. She snickers everytime she thinks about girls oggling over him.
Another memory of Matt. Because of his last name I would quite often call him Mark by mistake. He would roll his eyes as politely as he could and correct me. I'm sure if he can't remember a YL leader named Priscilla...he would certainly remember the dingbat of a leader who couldn't get his name right. lol!
I got to this blog from Tracy's. I am going to go back read hers and then start writing my own. This sounds like fun. Pricilla, a lot of your things are a lot like me.
These are the ones that (mostly) match me.
6. I had a stuffed dog when I was growing up. His name was Frosty. I took him to college with me. I still have him.
7. I enjoy a good cup of tea.
8. I (used to)clean a few houses to make some extra money.
9. I like sitting up front in a class or at church because I'm easily distracted.
10. I can sew.
12. I had pet gerbils “Crockett and Tubs” (which you won’t get because of #26)
15. I wish I had studied in college.
16. I got married 14 years ago.
30. I think I suffer from the "fear of failure"
31. I had a broken heart once & I wanted to die.
32. I won't go to a high school class reunion.
34. I hate wearing sandals that have things going between my toes
40. I like camping.
43. I need 8 hours of sleep a night...
45. I'm quiet in real life.
Cool! I like how you rewrote some. My gerbils were named Fish and Critter...after the pet store we bought them at.
You worded #31 much more acurately!
get my e mail from tracy and ask what you want to know about my testimony and I shall share :)
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