On the way down the gorge, we took the higher trail. What you see in the photo is the gorge trail that we hiked up. It is way way down there! I have a pretty good zoom lens on my camera so you really can't tell by the photo how far down it is.

Here are Allen and Alicia reading....

this sign.

I thought I saw a little orange plastic dinosaur on trail that a kid dropped...but discovered that it was a living creature. A newt. We saw 6 newts in all, a couple of snakes and a few chipmunks.

Allen holding a newt just to show you the size of it.

Looking down on the swimming hole. I remember coming to this swimming hole when I was a little girl. I was very impressed that my big brother, Dan could dive in. Somewhere, I know my mom has a picture of him diving in. I wish I had it. But I
do have this one!

This was taken at the swimming hole at Robert Treman State Park in the summer of 1970. I am the little girl in the blue. Martha is next to me and Mom is holding Rachel. That's Dan behind us.

And here I am just 40 years later! Still wearing blue!
At the end of our hike, we had a picnic "lunch." I put quotes around it because by then it was 3:30 and we were starving! At that point I stopped taking pictures. I guess I was too hungry.