After our visit, which included lunch and a few hours of visiting, our family decided to grab a quick dinner out on the way back to our town. So we stopped at DiBella's in Perinton to eat some subs. Here are our three children. I love it when they seem to be enjoying one another's company.
I have another bit on my mind lately. A "little bird" told me that a certain school librarian will be retiring this year. (this is not public knowledge yet and has been posted in-house only) I really want her job! She is in the school that is within walking distance of my home! However, I am not quite done with my degree. That will be done in the fall some time. Two different people told me to apply for the position anyway. I don't have my portfolio together...and I also really want to do my student teaching. I feel like I am going to learn so much from that experience. I don't want to skip it. Another library friend of mine ended up skipping her student teaching to accept a position. The University gave her credit for student teaching anyway using her new position. It worked...but it is not really ideal.
Another bit of distress and regret...which I am trying to let go of, but it is difficult! I'm just saying, "Ugh!" right now. Two of my classmates each got a hold of me lately to inquire if I am taking any summer courses. I am not. They are both taking "YA Lit." I am so disappointed because when my father became ill, I needed to make some tough decisions. I knew I needed to take the fall semester off to spend as much time as I could with him and assist in caring for him while he was on hospice. I only had two classes left to take-"YA Lit" and another class. I emailed my adviser asking her if it would be prudent to take one of the classes in the spring semester while student teaching...leaving me one class to take. I knew that "YA Lit" was offered last summer and inquired whether or not it would be offered this summer. She wrote back and said that it was NOT going to be offered this summer. She strongly suggested that I take all of my course work first and student teach in the fall. I have followed her suggestion. Now I find out from my friends that "YA Lit" IS being offered during the first summer session...which means that I could have been completely done with my degree at the end of June! This would have solved a multitude of problems I am having being delayed until December.
In all fairness to my adviser, I like her very much. I know that she would not have lied to me about what was or wasn't going to be offered this summer. I am sure that she was telling me the truth as she was aware of it as of the first week of September this past fall, but I am so disappointed and feel very distressed.
I'm wondering if you lovely ladies could pray for me and offer up encouragement. Oh...and there is some good news. I found out I passed my ATS-W teacher's exam, which I had been afraid that I had failed!
It sounds like you have a lot to think about these days! I'd certainly go for the librarian position at your library... How cool would that be?? Praying for you here, for wise decisions and peace of mind too! Love you!
Does Alan still blog? He sure has grown up since I last saw a picture of him.
It would be cool if you got the librarian job.
Priscilla, the Lord knows everything that has happened and is happening in your life. AND, I do know that if you just rest in Him, He will lead you in the paths you need to follow! How many times did the Lord Himself say (and the angels as well!) "Do not fear!"
Rest in the Lord knowing that you are doing the best job you can and that you are not only honoring Him, but your parents and advisor as well. These things will be counted to your credits. Trust in Him and believe me, things will always work to perfection. His timing seems to allow us to hang at the edge of the cliff sometimes (not really, but it FEELS that way!) and then He steps in for the great save!
Trust, trust, trust!!!!! I will certainly pray about your situation!
I would ask in prayer whether I should apply. If I 'hear' yes, I do.
It will all happen in God's perfect timing if you commit it to Him.
You go girl! You are doing it! Very cool, soon to be librarian!
I pray the LORD just bathes you in peace and shows you His way for you. I feel for you. I have had similar "forks in the road."
Love, Stacy
You have my prayers as you go through this time of decision making. I know it's not easy.
But, God WILL show you the right path to take!
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