Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Look who's laughing now

I got to thinking more about those pansies. I've noticed crocuses and my tulips starting to push through the earth. So I wondered...can the pansies survive?

I decided to ask my friend Kathy who knows much more about flowers than I do. She said that pansies are hearty and quite often can winter over in some of the less severe winter states. (like Oregon) She said that they actually can be planted relatively early in the season. As a is better to wait, but they have a good chance of survival! So who knew?!!?

So here is a big cheer of encouragement for these little flowers: grow pansies, grow!!

(Photo by Bruno Girin at Creative Commons Flickr)


Martha said...

If they live, all your neighbors will be putting pansies out next March. :)

Stacy said...

I hope their pansies survive... but I have my doubts. :P

Wanda said...

That is sure a pretty one!

Priscilla said...

Actually Martha, the house where I saw the pansies is not in my neighborhood. When Sherman and I walk...we walk far and into other neighborhoods.

Martha said...

Oh. Well then you will be planting pansies. :)

"sestsi"- I wonder what that means...

joeks said...

Your friend is right about pansies being tolerant of cold. They are the earliest flower we set out around here. I looked back at my posts from
last year,and see we had them out by March 20.