Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Lord, paint me beautiful!

Well I have not blogged in forever. I'm still not sure what I'm going to say. I have just been busy that's all. Just doin' the mom thing and it seems like it's always something. I've also started a couple more projects. Business has been a bit slow...but I have a couple of pieces that maybe I can paint and sell. I've tried to stay off the computer because it can really be a time waster for me. I just get on and it just sucks me in and pretty soom I've blown a couple of hours doing nothing.
Lately I have been stripping layers and layers off of an antique chair. It is a painful process that doesn't seem to end. When I started, it was bright yellow..with the back rungs being white...and was covered with dirt and mildew. The mildew is gone, and I have discovered a variety of colors built up over the years. Yellow-white-tan-black-red-green-white again. It reminds me of the Lord...stripping down through my painful layers in order to renew me. Yes, it was painful...but well worth it.

Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my thoughts; and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting. Ps. 139:23-24

That is all. Hopefully I will regain my creativity soon with blogging. Sorry to disappoint you readers.


Martha said...

That is the second or third time I have heard about God and layers in the past few days. He is definately an expert at peeling back the layers. He's also excellent at cleaning out the gunk. A wheel thrown pot can be beautiful on the outside and yet full of unseen gunk inside. When I feel yucky, I know He ia again cleaning out some more gunk or peeling back another layer.

taryn said...

I like the analogy and the verse.