I spent the day decluttering one room of my house. It was really looking bad and I finally resolved to do something about it. I hauled out a box full of stuff that was laying around that no one cares about anymore (or maybe never did). It's on its way to good will. I also threw out quite a bit of stuff too. Wow! Does the room look great! You know...I've done this decluttering thing before...but it always comes back. Especially when I let my guard down. I stop paying attention or I get so I'm apathetic about it or unmotivated or too busy to bother.
This sounds very similar to my spiritual walk sometimes! I get really into the Christian walk...reading and praying and memorizing scripture. The clutter moves out of my brain and heart. I'm doing great! Practically walking on water! Ha ha! That's when I get too sure of myself. I stop paying attention. I get lazy and pretty soon it seems like such work to read my Bible and pray. Then the clutter starts moving back in. The doubts. The depression. The "what ifs." Old hurts are resurrected and...my spiritual house is a mess! Why do I follow this cycle over and over again? You'd think I'd learn after a while!
Joshua 24:15 As for me and my house,we will serve the Lord."
Yes, this needs to be my daily motto and committment!
Hey, that sounds like me... Maybe it's time to clear away some spiritual "clutter".
All Christians struggle with this same thing, I'm sure. There actually is a song that talks about this.
Doesn't it feel great to get rid of clutter!? I LOVE it! I need to do some spring cleaning too!
I'm having a hard enough time just clearing out the dust!
One room at a time! One down...seven more to go...and then there's the basement!
Aw, cute comic. And I love the spiritual analogy tied in to your "clutter clean-up" day. Very true.
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