Today as I was studying the word of God....I came upon a passage in Nehemiah 9 where the Jews spend a significant amount of time confessing their sins to God. In fact they spent a quarter of the day just confessing and worshipping the Lord. By my calculations that is 6 hours! Wow! That is quite impressive. This was after another 6 hours of listening to the word of God being read.
I started considerring that I haven't come near to that...especially the confessing part. Sometimes I gloss over that or I'm very general. I decided to spend time in confession. Hey. I'm human, I have sin in my life. I didn't spend 6 hours...in fact I really didn't keep track of the time so I have no idea how long...but I spent time writing out specific areas of sin and confessing them to the Lord. I asked Him to bring things to mind. He did. I just want to grow in him and I want all the garbage gone. I have garbage in my mind and heart and I listen to the lies of the enemy all to often.
Praise God that there is no more condemnation for the sins I have committed. (Romans 8:1-2) I just want to be more and more the woman God intends me to be. It's a long journey that I seem to never make progress on. It seems like I will always be the little child...trying on her Father's hat and toddling along.
"Father, Grow me up in you."