Monday, November 26, 2007

Nothing's Ever Easy

Getting recertified as a teacher in NY state is involving a bit more than I imagined. It is going to be time-consuming and expensive...and a headache to say the least. I still KNOW that I am going to grad school to be a school librarian, but I'm no longer sure exactly what route I'm going to take. There is the option of forgoing the recertification and attending the University of Buffalo. In this route, certification is a part of getting the Master's Degree rather than it being a prerequisite.
The pluses for Mansfield is that the program is entirely on-line. With UB, it is only partially on-line and that would mean I would need to travel back and forth to Buffalo to attend some classes. Which way should I go, God?


Wanda said...

That is a hard question! Don't we wish God still did writing on the wall? I will be praying the Lord will guide you in the best decision!

BTW..Loved your Ice Skate story on my blog!

Rachel said...

Me too, it sounds like a difficult decision.

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Oh boy that is a tough situation. The best i can do for you is be here to listen and pray, pray, pray!

Gudl said...

Nothing is ever easy, you are right. Everythings takes longer and costs more than thought. We are going through the same with our restaurant.

Heather said...

God will make it clear. I can't wait to hear how He does it.