Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Gettin' there

Oh how I wish my camera's flash worked. It really hampers the blogging a bit. I am almost done with this semester! Tomorrow I must visit an Elementary school library and give a thematic storytelling lesson. I have chosen the Iroquois Indians as my theme. I will be telling an Indian Legend to a group of 4th graders since they are studying the Iroquois Indians this year. After I tell it, I will talk to them about Indian Pictographs. I will tell a second story with pictographs using a flannel board.
One more research paper to do, which I haven't started yet.
Sorry to bore you with this.


Jenny said...

Sounds great.
I have never heard of the Iroquois Indians.

Rachel said...

It's gotta be such a great feeling to have another semester behind you. It sounds like you're doing great! Happy storytelling!

Martha said...

Can you still call them "Indians" in school or do they have to be Native Americans? (I really am curious.) Troy came home wearing a head dress with a nice big feather last week. I'm never sure how to refer to Indians anymore so I hardly knew what to say.

Kim said...

I'm curious about Martha's question too. My daughter is Indian because she is from India. I refer to those here before us as Native American because technically they are not from India. I think the reason Native Americans are referred to as Indians is that Columbus was hoping to get to India and so he assumed that's where he landed.

Martha said...

That is the reason, Kim, but we are all so used to referring to them as Indians that it's hard to stop. And what about those "Eskimos" who are now called Inuit?

Priscilla said...

I use Native American and American Indian interchangeably. No one seems miffed...but thanks for the reminder. On my write-up for class I will make sure to use the politically correct term. I do not needs points taken off for something like that.

I'll say that it went great today. The children were very attentive. When it came time for questions, they seemed more interested in asking me about grad school and becoming a librarian rather than questions about the lesson. I thought that was interesting.

Rachel said...

You're tagged! See my blog.

joeks said...

Not boring at all. What you're doing is right up my (educational) alley!

Dunja said...

Good luck to you and congrats to another semester mastered!!