Friday, June 13, 2008

Under the Gun!

I'm sorry that I haven't written. I am under the gun here with 2 weeks of grad classes left for this summer session. I have to submit a paper that is almost finished, interview a librarian, write a second paper, and finish designing an html webpage.

I'm really loving it so far. I feel very confident that I am studying the right thing and heading in the right direction. Everyone I have met in my classes is really nice. Since we are all new students, we have become a pretty tight knit group. After dinner yesterday, about 10 of us walked down to these impressive marble columns located on campus. These pilars are from an old building that was taken down in the city of Buffalo. One girl did have a camera and we stood around and posed for pics. (From l-r in this picture: Bridget, Kaitlyn, Josh, Johanna, Jeremy, Libby, Lena, me) It is scary how old I look here!
Picture by Cathy.


Martha said...

"Future Librarians of America!"
You know I just heard David Jeremiah saying that Caleb was just getting started at 85 years old. (Check out Exodus) You're at half that at most!

Rachel said...

I'm so happy that you are liking it so much, and have met so many nice people!

Bethany said...

Yeah, look at all those gray hairs!?

Michelle-ozark crafter said...

Sometimes there are other things which need your attention. Your friends here will always be waiting!

Tracy said...

I can't believe that you only have 2 weeks left already! Will you take some more classes this summer as well?

judi/Gmj said...

:D You are awesome! You look very happy. I am proud of you!

Wanda said...

It's so wonderful when someone finds their "nitch".... It's great you are loving what you do.

Gudl said...

I am happy for you, too!
Sounds like you are right on track.

Joe Fool said...

yeah, what they said.