Today during the last leg of the race, he saw a man laying on the trail ahead of him. A few other runners were crouched around the man. As Jamie came up to them, he overheard one say, "Does he have a pulse?" Jamie is a certified lifeguard and has taken courses in CPR. In fact, he just took a refresher course a month ago. God is good, because Jamie was called upon to administer his skills to this man, who certainly would have died otherwise. Another runner friend of ours, Sarah, is a nurse. She ran up shortly after Jamie did. The two of them administered CPR on him for about 15-20 minutes until some paramedics were able to come and intervene. The man was rushed away in an ambulance. None of us know the man's name, but he looked to be in his fifties and was believed to be taken to Strong Memorial Hospital. Perhaps you could say a prayer for him.
The photo is from last year's race. Jamie is not in this photo but Sarah is. She is second from the left. Pale green shirt and black hat. (My son Allen is #11)
I am very proud of Jamie and Sarah for rising to the occasion!
Photo source: Ed Martin