It's nothing fancy, it's not in the best neighborhood...but it is home. We have lived here for 7 years. This Friday marks the anniversary of the day we closed. We've done quite bit of work on the inside. When we moved here, there were 2 electrical outlets in the entire upstairs and no light switches. Each bedroom had a light bulb with a pull chain to turn it on. The drywall in the master bedroom was so bad it was crumbling. It was duck taped in some spots and there was a piece of plywood nailed to the ceiling to keep it intact.
For about 8 months, we lived in the downstairs while we gutted and repaired upstairs. We ran all new electric and added outlets and switches. Looking at the old wiring made us marvel that the place never caught fire!
We still have work left to do. Maybe someday we will get to the outside! For now, peeling painted asbestos shingles in "granny smith apple green" will have to do.